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Canyon Swing


Freefalling through the glacier gorge at 120 km/h

Get out of your comfort zone and experience the ultimate thrill with the Canyon Swing from a platform 90 meters above the abyss of Grindelwald’s breathtaking glacier gorge.

A leap into the unknown

Take the plunge and enjoy the feeling of weightlessness as you swing through the narrow gorge at a breathtaking 120 km/h. This unique experience will get your adrenaline pumping and stay with you forever.

Safety is the top priority

Of course, safety is paramount and an experienced adventure team ensures that your Canyon Swing experience is carried out safely.

  • Vector 90 meters
  • Vector 50 meter free fall
  • Vector 120 kph swing
  • Vector Imposing glacier gorge
  • Vector Equipment and transportation.
  • Vector Bring along: Warm clothing (adapted to the weather)
  • Vector Video service available for a surcharge of CHF 49
  • Vector Please note that this tour is subject to a 48-hour cancellation period

CHF 149.00

Duration: 3 hours
Weight: max. 120 kg
Minimum age: 14 years
Suitability: for all