outdoor ice climbing 5 web

Ice climbing summer

Ice climbing Interlaken

Summer – ice climbing, the glacier experience for everyone

Let yourself be whisked away into the exciting world of glaciers, our mountain guides will teach you how to use mountain ropes, ice axes and crampons safely. Explore gurgling glacial streams and deep blue crevasses, experience impressive nature safely and under expert guidance. Treat yourself to the highlight: abseil down into the blue glacier ice and enjoy the ice climbing that follows.

  • Vector Transportation from Interlaken
  • Vector Mountain boots, all alpine equipment is provided
  • Vector No previous knowledge, no own material necessary
  • Vector June to October (November)
  • Vector 08.30 am to approx. 5.00 pm
  • Vector CHF 235.00 per person
  • Vector Bring: Picnic lunch, water, warm weatherproof clothing, rain jacket, sun protection, sunglasses, spare T-shirt, camera

CHF 235.00

Duration: 9 hours
Previous knowledge: not necessary
On request
On request